Pink Slip & Blue Slips

eSafety Pink Slip

If you own a car that is more than five years old, you need to get an eSafety Check (also known as a Pink Slip) before you can register or renew your registration. This is a safety inspection that ensures your car meets the minimum roadworthiness standards. You don’t have to worry about paperwork or delays, because the eSafety Check is done online and the results are sent directly to Roads and Maritime Services.

At Mortlake Automotive, we are authorised to perform eSafety Checks for all types of vehicles. We have the experience and the equipment to inspect your car quickly and thoroughly. We will also advise you of any issues or repairs that may affect your car’s safety or performance. Whether you need a Pink Slip for your registration renewal, or a Blue Slip for a vehicle that has been unregistered for more than three months, or has been written off or defected, we can help you get back on the road as soon as possible.

Don’t let your car’s registration lapse or expire. Contact Mortlake Automotive today and book your eSafety Check with us. We will make the process easy and hassle-free for you.

  • Blue slip and defect notice

    A Blue slip may be required to register a vehicle that has been without rego for more than 3 months, or an insurance repairable write off. Even road defected vehicles my require a Blue slip to pass registration again. Mortlake Automotives is authorised to issue Blue slip pass notice after conduction the inspection on your vehicle and cleared all defects.